What Is A Lucky Bean Plant: How To Grow Lucky Bean Plants At HomeLucky Bean Plant: A new curiosity is really a tropical flowering tree by March 20, 2013 It had to be fake. A giant plastic grain, divided as a germinate, with a green stem glued between the halves. It could not be real. Castanospermum flowers australe, Geoff Stein photo, in Plantfiles, thanks Geoff It is not often that I have to look twice at a plant in the grocery store. Same old thing. Always Chinese green, pothos, Dracaena, African violet... there's rarely a surprise between seasonal disposable plants. The best thing I can expect is a new cultivar of one of those standbys, or a plant marked for cleaning but still on this side of the edge of the compost. But one day while I was on the exit line, I saw a plant that I wasn't even sure was real. "Pardon me, ma'am, you go ahead, I'm looking at this plant." A two-inch pot, and a stem springing from a bean, a preschool plastic grain. It was green everywhere, like no beans I'd ever seen. Actually, it looked like an avocado seed but rarely green. The leaves of the plant were clearly not avocados. I had to touch him to convince myself he was a real bean. And get on the floor to believe it really came from the bean. Okay, it was real. The label said Lucky Bean Plant. Yeah, sure. Probably in the same family (not really bamboo) and (very toxic!) and (a lucky and exotic name, a double marketing gorrito). At a rare moment of self-restriction, I left the plant on the shelf, I noticed and went home to investigate the green rarity. A few pushers and pulses gave a list of candidates: St. Thomas beans, bean beaver...aha, haba of luck, Castanospermum australe. Yeah, the beans are real. I figured a big bean can only come from a tree, and this one does. It is known in its home country, Australia, such as Moreton Bay Chestnut or black bee. C. australe is a tropical tree in the family "bean and pea" (legume, Fabaceae), cousin of chickpeas and beans relatives. That is also done by a redbud relative, a tree familiar with many gardeners. As Redbud carries clusters of flowers directly into its branches, also Moreton Bay chestnut. Spring flowers (April in America, October in Australia) are tropically bright, a red and yellow combo in each floret. It is remarkable that it is the only species in its kind. Moreton Bay Chestnut is used in tropical landscapes. Florida gardeners could plant this species, and they probably saw it used locally. This medium-sized tree has attractive leaves, dark green, shiny in diffusion branches. Fans who are placed under the branches can see the vibrant blooms in spring, or the many creatures who visit the flowers to drink their nectar. After the flowers fade, large capsules develop. Each capsule carries up to five of the almost-golf ball size seeds. Mojca Debevec, writing for the Australian National Botanic Gardens, says this tree has a strong root system; it indicates the usefulness in the banks, but it could be problematic around the hard. Another mild precaution is that seeds (cres, nuts) contain toxic saponins. Aboriginal peoples use nuts by first processing them, but fresh seeds can make animals or fish sick. But back to that little, strange plant... The few Lucky Bean plants I saw have gone home to the lucky owners. I've been unable to find the plant in our local nurseries. has Moreton Bay Chestnut ready in your tree selection. The plant is "available but currently indisposable", (whatever it means) on Amazon.com. My Aussie readers, if I have any, can find this plant easy to get. Gardeners and visitors in Florida and South California could look for mature trees nearby, and collect some nuts. Plant the nuts in mixture of well draining pottery. The green nut is divided into the middle, as a pit of avocado does. Young beans plants such as constant humidity, rich but well draining pottery, and bright light. The young tree can be preserved for many years as a specimen in pots. With excellent care, this curiosity of the grocery store could someday become the flourishing tropical tree- if you are lucky.@~~~ @~~~~~~~Resources Australian National Botanic Garden, http://www.anbg.gov.au/gnp/interns-2002/castanospermum-australe.html , accessed 3-13Eldon Tropicals, http://www. Graduate from the University of Maryland, his degree is in Agriculture. Gardens and natural areas give you an endless opportunity to learn and wonder. Naturally (proposed) his garden style leans toward the casual, and his cultural methods toward the organic. He likes to try new plants, and have "something" in their inner and outer gardens. Thanks to their parents for spending their love for gardening and nature, and to their husband and children for being patient when they are lost in the garden. Follow her. 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Lucky Bean Plant | Castanospermum australe | DianesDigitals | Flickr
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